SP Testimonials

Harvey the Shorthaired Pointer (Mild spinal neurological damage leading to arthritis and weakness in left hind leg.)

Harvey, although not an enthusiastic water dog, has benefited greatly from Mark’s caring and and encouraging support. The pool is lovely, I would happily have gone in myself! The exercise is always tailored to what the dog can manage, with rest periods and a great deal of affection between Mark and Harvey. Our much loved …

Harvey the Shorthaired Pointer (Mild spinal neurological damage leading to arthritis and weakness in left hind leg.) Read More »

Archie (Post Surgery /Lameness)

Thanks to Mark and the hydrotherapy sessions we now have our happy bouncy boy back. Archie was not recovering from his surgery as expected, and was very lame. Exercise was forbidden so he had quite a miserable 6 months. Before opting for further ops/investigations we were advised to try hydrotherapy and (touch wood) have not …

Archie (Post Surgery /Lameness) Read More »

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